October 1, 2010

Stories !

Aw STRANGERS ! Kita jumpa lagi ..

Look, no facebook for weeks - i'm glad i'm still alive.
No phone for weeks - i'm still breathing :D 

First, you such a copycat dude! Sumpah copycat gila. Tk bole tgok orang hidup ke wey? HAHA i'm not gonna shut my mouth like a stupid girl again. Klau stakat buad bnda tu ape sngt kot. Double L la you :)

Second, end-year-exam is right around the corner. So do PMR. Good luck to my cousin, shera shahrul. And of course to my seniors. Cakap pasal exam akhir tahun, saya telah membuat beberapa peraturan yang mesti/wajib/harus/perlu dipatuhi oleh saya sendiri. Antaranya :

1# Study sejarah and geografi lebih banyak dari subjek lain. Sebab - nak skor 2 subjek tu. I won't give it to her! 
2# Jangan minum air berkarbonat wahai fanaa. Sebab - kita semua tahu air berkarbonat tak elok and ia boleh melemahkan ingatan kita. What about nescafe? Oh, saya sudah mula gilakan nescafe. Just once a week could be nice ;)
3# Tolong away from computer and phone. Sebab - of course ia melalaikan and saya tkkan buad perkara yang saya pernah buad dulu. Buang masa layan benda-benda ni smpai markah exam teruk -.-
4# Kurangkan minum coffee or lebih specific nescafe and ice blended yang ada unsur coffee. Sebab - nah, i don't know. Just rasa cm saya harus meng-away-kan diri dari mereka demi masa hdapan :D

Yeah, that's my rules to success for this final exam. What about you, my friends? 

"You'll never know what you can do until you try"
(diciplak daripada makmal biologi)

Third, you'll be missed

And oh, it's freaking making me hating! yeah dummy