BOARDING SCHOOL, here I come !
Yeah, I hope I'll study at boarding school one day, really hoping. That's not mean that SKHS is bad, absolutely that's not the reason! I just dreaming for that since yesterdaysss.. They said, life at school isn't dull as you think ? though.. People press me to study like a robot! correction, IM NOT A ROBOT AT ALL!
Hello, ibnusina! What happend to you? Hello, fana! What are you doing huh? There's something in my head that make me feel like wanna doing something unexpected. Just don't make me done it. Ok, my study just like shitt ! Yeah, msok otak sngt! While she won't stop stalking me behind. What's you probs, Do? Are you scared I will take your 'No.1' title? Daaa... I don't want laa that one. All I want for is 8A's not the number 1! Stop usha panas kt aku atau aku akan bls yg lgi panas kt kau ! Ok, kejam? Klau kau usha panas skali, bole la aku saba. Tp klau da tak terkira, aku perlu saba lg? p/s ; you treat me well, so I done the same thing to you. Deal ? -.-
Well, today was a fairytale. B.B.Q was sooooo amazing! But, yg pling taleh blah time trademark kump. Sume busuk hati, asyik nk tepuk menyampah je. But, still amazing !
After that, gone to anita's house. Kononnye nk 'buad sejarah' la kan? Tp, ape yg ktorg buad are ;
1. candit sana sini ^^
2. rakam video ktorg nyanyi lgu 'baby'
3. minum vitegen *aku kebas 3 botol xD
4. pg taman bukit mulia, 1 tmpat yg aku ta pernah jejak kaki kott
5. pg restoren krua amani and MAKAN FREE :D